Malmsbury Farmers & Artist Market
Malmsbury Village Farmers Market is a fresh, local produce market, accredited with the Victorian Farmers Markets Association. Our Artist Market showcases the best of our local makers.Our market is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Giant Pumpkin Competition!!
The 2024 Giant Pumpkin Competition is on this month. Click here for more info.
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Malmsbury Village Farmers Market is has two easy to find locations in the beautiful, historic town of Malmsbury.Our summer markets are held on the Village Green on Mollison Street.During the winter months you can find us at the Malmsbury Cricket and Recreation Reserve on Ellesmere Place.Transition between the two sites is weather dependent, so check our website or social media for the current location.

Summer Market

Find this location on Google Maps.
Winter Market

Find this location on Google Maps.
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Living in Central Victoria means being surrounded in amazing local fresh produce.We are proud to showcase the very best producers at our market.We are a Victorian Farmers Market Association accredited market and we strive to maintain the highest standards and best practice as set out by the VFMA in order the guarantee the highest quality produce for visitors to our market.Not all of our producers attend every market so check our social media for the latest information.
Fresh produce
+ Belle ame flowers - Fresh cut flowers and floral jewelry (seasonal)
+ Cornell Apiaries - Honey, beeswax and beeswax wraps
+ Divine Mushrooms - Fresh and preserved mushrooms.
+ Kangaroo Hills Organic Farm - fresh vegetables (seasonal)
+ Langdale Orchards - Apples and pears.
+ Macedon Range Fruit & Veg - Berries, fruit, preserves & pickles (seasonal)
+ Our Malmsbury Gardens - Potted ornamental plants and trees
+ Sandor's Harvest - Fresh vegetables and gourmet mushrooms
+ Seasonal Seedlings - Vegetable seedlings
+ Two Good Acres - Garlic and fresh produce (seasonal)
+ Zig Zag Growers - Seasonal produce and seedlings (seasonal)
+ Glenaleece Farm - Pork
+ Fairbanks Farm - Lamb
+ Pig & Earth Farm - Pork
Eggs & Poultry
+ The Good Life Farm Co - Eggs, homemade pasta, pasta sauce
+ Dreaming Goat Dairy - Goat cheese
+ Goldfields Farmhouse Cheese - Cow and goat cheese
+ Big Harvest Moon - Real fruit cordial
+ Coliban Valley Wines - Wine
+ Kangaroo Hills Organic Farm - Wine
+ Moto-Bean Coffee Roasters - Coffee
+ Rowanston Winery - Wine
+ Three Goannas - Alcohol-free herbal drinks
+ Zig Zag Winery - Wine
Preserved & baked goods
+ Barfold Olives - Olive oil and bottled olives
+ Bendigo Fine Foods - Jams, pickles and baked goods
+ Black Cat Truffles - Truffle salts, sauces and oils (seasonal)
+ Country Jo's Homemade - Chutneys, jams, dried fruit, teas and nut butter
+ Chiron Organic - Prickly pear and olive oil based food
+ Husk & Harvest - Walnuts and walnut based products
+ O'Callaghans Irish Fruit Cake - Fruit cake
+ Pink Muesli - Beetroot muesli
+ Polly's Kitchen - Baked goods
+ Pud For All Seasons - Traditional and contemporary puddings (seasonal)
+ Romagna29 - Paneforte
Health & body
+ Chiron Organic - Beauty and cleaning products
+ Thornhill Lane Biodynamics - Skincare
Hot food
+ Donut Disturb - Homemade hot jam donuts and Dutch style oliebollen.
+ John's Farm Breakfasts - Cooked breakfasts
+ Taste of the Orient - Yum cha
+ Turkish Food Services - Hot Turkish food
Arts & crafts
+ Artisan Wood Creations - Hand carved wooden bowls, platters, art work
+ Funkyhooker - Hand made crochet art and toys
+ Guinea Gals - Guinea fowl feather craft
+ Handmade by Heather - Handmade masks, bags and calendars
+ Handmade by Judith - Contemporary embroidery
+ Jan Atyeo - Collage artist using recycling material
+ JK Candles - Candles and room scents
+ Journey By Light - Photographic prints, cards & calendars
+ Leversha Design - Handmade, handpainted ceramics
+ Marie's Barfold Creations - Crafts
+ Moonshine Pottery - Handmade ceramics
+ Pantry Culture - Fermenting equipment
+ Rosnasharn Farm - Wool, knitted products and farm made soap
+ Scarlet Robin Workshop - Handmade wooden toys
+ Malmsbury Primary School - Baked goods, craft & plants
+ Sustainable Malmsbury - Produce swap and recycling station
+ Taradale Primary School - Baked goods, craft & plants
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Stallholder Information & Application
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.On behalf of the Malmsbury community we welcome you to our market. The Malmsbury Farmers Market is an initiative of the Malmsbury Town Hall Committee. Our market was established in 2019. We operate on the third Sunday of each month.
We are proud to be a Victoria Farmers Market Association accredited market. The VFMA is the peak body representing Farmers Markets and the producers that trade at them. We strongly encourage all of our stall holders to become accredited as either farm-based or specialty-maker members. Stall holders attending half or more of our markets are required to have a VFMA membership. Full details are available at we are an accredited market, VFMA members have priority access to our market.PERMITS
Stall holders are responsible for ensuring they hold current registration for all relevant permits for products sold. You need to apply for permits based on the shire in which you prepare your products.
More information: STALL
Malmsbury can have persistent cold weather conditions. There is no undercover venue available. Please come prepared for unpredictable weather, ensuring that your market marquees are weighted (not pegged) & have sides available if need be for protection of yourself, your products & the community around you. Flying tents at Malmsbury are not an option.Displays should be interesting and eye-catching. You are responsible for your own tables and signage.INSURANCE
We require all of our producer stalls to hold public liability insurance with a minimum of $10 million cover.
Our Market Manager Amy will be there on Sunday morning to show you where you can set up and park. You can arrive anytime from 7.30am. Her mobile number is 0423 726 695, please save this number in your phone.During our summer markets, it is a requirement that you set up your stall early then park your car in Ellesmere Place so as to leave the street free for market customers and to be fair to the other businesses that operate on Mollison Street. DO NOT PARK YOUR VEHICLE ON MOLLISON STREET.All stall equipment and produce needs to be at your stall site by 8.30 so vehicles can be moved and the roads cleared with minimal impact on the town.During our winter markets you are able to park your car next to your stall. Vehicles are unable to enter the site after 8.30am so please arrive before then.Stalls and vehicles need to remain in place until 1pm. Please do not begin to remove your stall from the site before this time.This market is proudly plastic bag free. Please bring paper or other recycled receptacle for trading produce. If you require plastic bags to use for some special reason, please be in touch. People selling hot food/drinks are requested to provide a bin at their stall to handle some of the waste that is being generated. We operate a "leave no trace" policy.
The rules and policies covering our market are designed to ensure a prosperous, safe and sustainable market. All current rules and policies can be found on our Rules & Policies page.Stall holders are responsible for reading and understanding these rules and ensuring all staff and volunteers are also familiar with them.
Please complete the following application form and include copies of your insurance and all relevant permits. If you are applying for the artist market section of the market please include up to 5 images of your work with your application. Your application will be considered by our committee and a response will be provided within one month.Please compress all required documents into a zip file and email to malmsburyfarmersmarket [at]
Once we have received your application form, your application will go to Malmsbury Farmers Market Committee for consideration. Our committee meets on the second Monday of every month. Applications received after that date will be considered at the next meeting.Our priority is supporting our existing stall holders and we strive to understand their businesses as well as we can in order to help our local producers make a decent income. For that reason we will never flood our market.If we accept your application we may do so with some modifications to your product list due to compatibility with other stall holders. We would rather restrict your approved products than say no altogether. However we completely understand that your business model might depend on selling certain products. So if you decide to not continue your application at this point that is completely up to you. We will however do what we can to help connect you with other local opportunities and we do keep waitlists so if your product is not going to be available for any reason we can give you the opportunity to attend.Once your application has been accepted we will provide you with more information about how the Malmsbury Farmers Market can help promote your business.If we reject your application we will give you a very clear reason why. Our decision is final and not subject to appeal. We will endeavour to give advice as to other opportunities for selling your product if our farmers market is not suitable.The Malmsbury Farmers Market committee is always looking for new volunteer members. So if you are interested in being a part of our organising team please don't hesitate to let us know!
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Rules & Policies
Last updated October 2020
The following rules cover our market. Please read them carefully:
+ Stall holders must be selling their own produce. Value adding producers must have a minimum of 70% Victorian produce.
+ No resellers.
+ No bric-a-brac.
+ VFMA accredited producers have priority access to our market. Stall holders attending more than 50% of markets each year must have accreditation.
+ All stall holders must have public liability insurance to a minimum value of $10million. A copy of your current insurance must be sent to the market manager.
+ All stall holders must have filled out an application form including a list of products for sale.
+ Variations to products sold must be approved.
+ Stall holders must have current registration for all relevant permits. Copies of all permits must be sent to the market manager.
+ Vehicle safety is paramount. During our winter markets vehicles must remain in place between 8.30am and 1pm. If you think you will need to move your vehicle during those hours, it must be parked outside of the market area.
+ All stalls, equipment and signage must be kept safe. Marquees need to be weighted down and any power equipment including cables needs to be kept well out of public walkways. All cables in any walkway must be covered.
+ All electric equipment must have relevant safety tests and tags displayed.
+ The market organisers do not accept responsibility for the consequences of any power supply disruptions.
+ In the event of a Code Red fire day, the market will be cancelled.
+ The market organisers reserve the right to close the market early in the case of extreme weather.
+ The Malmsbury Farmers Market is a smoke free area and smoking is not permitted.
+ Stall holders are not permitted to bring animals on site with the exception of assistance dogs.
+ The Malmsbury Town Hall Committee as operators of the Malmsbury Farmers Market and it's representatives are not to be held responsible for any loss or damage to person or property howsoever caused including the negligence of Malmsbury Town Hall Committee or its representatives or agents and including loss or damage arising out of weather conditions or the cancellation of the market.
Adopted January 2021
Stall fees are payable by invoice prior to market date, or in cash on market day for each market.
Credits and/or refunds will not be issued for bad weather on market days unless the market is cancelled by the Market Manager for safety reasons.CANCELLATION
Stall holders can cancel their attendance at the market up to 3 days before market day without having to pay their stall fee. If the stall fee has already been paid, it will be held over as a credit.
Stall holders who cancel their attendance at the market up to 5pm on the day before market day are required to pay their stall fee. Exception to this policy in the case of emergency will be made at the discretion of the market manager.
Stall holders who cancel their attendance from 5pm on the day before market or who do not notify the manager that they are not attending are required to pay their stall fee and forfeit their place at the next market. Exception to this policy in the case of emergency will be made at the discretion of the market manager.REFUNDS OF FEES.
If the market is cancelled by Market Management, no fees apply, any fee paid will be credited to the next market. Stall holders who are not regular attendees may apply to the Market Committee for a refund if they are not planning on attending a market in the next 3 months.
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Malmsbury Giant Pumpkin Competition
Welcome all to the 2024 Malmsbury Giant Pumpkin Competition!
Categories and prizes
Heaviest Pumpkin
- 1st prize $100
- 2nd prize $50
- 3rd prize $25
- Under 18 $25Novelty prizes
- Prettiest pumpkin (audience pick) - hamper pack
- Ugliest pumpkin (audience pick) - hamper pack
- Longest pumpkin - hamper pack
- Best dressed (under 18) - voucher
Competition details
Entries cost $5 for adults or $2 for under 18. Every entry needs to complete an entry form.
Pumpkins need to be registered between 10am and 11am.
Public voting and judging will take place between 11am and 12pm.
Winners announced 12.30pm.
All pumpkins need to be collected between 12.45pm and 1pm.
Best dressed competition can use any materials as long as a pumpkin is the base of the creation. Let your imaginations run wild kids!All decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Competition sponsors
A huge thank you to our sponsors!

The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative
Work with us
The Malmsbury Farmers & Artist Market is looking to hire the services of a dynamic person who is passionate about quality local food production and sustainability. This person would have the proven event management and relational skills to help guide the Malmsbury Farmers & Artist Market to its next stage of growth and influence in the region.Download a copy of the full statement of work and schedule here.To apply, please forward a cover letter and your CV addressed to MFAM Committee [email protected]
Applications close 5pm, Friday 24 June 2022.
For any inquiries, please contact 0416620221.
The Malmsbury Farmers Market acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We honour their ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their elders; past and present.
Site design by Ground Up Creative